Hi There! Come on in……

Welcome to Me my Tea & I… Let’s get to know each other.

I’m Kara & I’m late in the game when it comes to starting this blog! But never mind, I guess it’s a case of better late than never. I’m a sociable introvert, a brunette on the outside and an empath on the inside, so I feel things, deeply!

Starting Me my Tea & I has been a journey. A long and winding one. Domains were purchased and hosting acquired long, long ago and yet I didn’t have it in me to start… until now that is.

Around six weeks ago, I left my job and jumped on a boat to France, where my Mum lives, to support her through treatment for breast cancer. I of course, recognise the great privilege I have had to be able to make this choice & that many would not be able to do so, so feel incredibly grateful.

This wake up call, combined with a break from my day job and an all-round slower pace of life, has allowed me the space to finally start…. & I’d like to welcome you along for the journey.

What’s to come…

I hope that Me my Tea & I will be a refuge and happy place nestled in amongst the often chaotic online world for us to reflect and grow together. While most content is likely going to be centred around various lifestyle, and personal development topics there are no hard and fast rules in this here happy place!

To help keep this little corner of the interweb serene Im hoping to keep it mostly free from ads, after all I’ve never been a fan of having things unexpectedly pop up in my face! However I do envisage that future content may contain affiliate links, of course these will always only ever be for products or services I already use or have tried and love and where that is the case it will always be fully disclosed within the content itself.

Let’s connect?

More than anything, Me my Tea & I should be a place connect and to foster community so why not comment and tell me about yourself, I’d love to here from you? Or if you would like you can join our email list?

It was lovely to chat a little, heres hoping I see you again soon xx